Archive | October, 2017

A Year Ago Today

24 Oct

A year ago today my husband and I drove away from San Diego, where I had lived for eleven years. 11. And Nov 1/17 will mark the eleventh year James and I have been together. And yes, if you do the math, you’ll find I was lucky enough to have met my forever not too long after I landed in SD. But the topic of this story is this past year.

A few days shy of a year ago today, we cleared out the last of all we hadn’t packed away from our home. What was left were items that I had strategically decided would carry us through, whatever amount of time, in our new “home,” during our travel north. Said home was a (used) 27′ travel trailer hitched onto our new (used) Ford F250.  It all happened so fast but took so long to finally come to fruition. When we decided we were going to sell and move, we knew all that had to be done to our SD home. So we upped our progress and James gradually cut back on work and dedicated those hours into our humble abode. This quickly turned into no work for him other than the house. He was there to stage it, and since we were still living in the house this was an actual process, i.e, take the animals out when there were viewings. A job in itself. I mean, you try to chill in a truck with two dogs, and two cats in their carriers for an hour or so, (chime in sounds of pissed off cats here) a grip full of times, just waiting until you get the clear to go back home. Waiting for that person to make that offer.

Hells To The No!!

Those days seemed to drag on. Waiting for it to be official. Telling my friends, coworkers, and employers alike, that we weren’t sure when it would be final. Then to say, “It’s sold!” and, “Do you need me this weekend?” (This was on a Thursday) And they were so gracious to honestly say, “Good luck on your venture.” So that day we packed up the last bit of what we had been living off of. Waiting for this day, for weeks. It both broke and opened my heart. We surrendered our keys. And we drove off. Well. Drove our new temporary home to the nearest RV park, to be close enough to make sure that that check cleared. We needed no surprise at this point. The waitng had been hovering over too many heads for enough time. Alas it happened, and we ventured unto a new path that was simply mapped out to “North.” Seriously, that was our destination. North.

A Year Ago Today. We Drove Away.

We made it.

If you’d like to follow me from the beginning, here’s your start. 

House for sale!