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The stockings are again hung, and they each will always have one.

26 Dec

Sadly. I wrote a post similar to this last year for Daddy, and damnit Meow Meows, you’re making me try to again, write something catchy 🤔

The stockings were hung as all our years past

You earned your title. You owned it quite frankly. For your given name changed because of your comments and wants, being voiced, quite lengthy. (I mean, breakfast calls at 5-ish AM quite regularly!) ☕️ 🤫

Not cool Meow Meows.😴

Those nuances those nicknames those cute words we create, such as the “purr-berator”, because with the simplest hug your purr was loud and your body would vibrate.

We will forever miss those hugs. Those nose-dives and your relentless love. Please carry on with Daddy, groom his face and neck as you used to do, his eyes closed tight as you nose-dive him too.

You came into my life for a second which turned into years. And you are worth every single tear.

Also. 👇🏻You were a badass! ❤️ As you can see from this link here 👇🏻 And that is how you’ll forever be.

My Cat’s a Badass

My Cat’s a Badass

25 Dec

Their stockings were hung and freshly packed with fun.

But this little nose had to see what’s in those.

So up the counter, the fridge, the wall she did climb.

For what was up there she claimed “It’s mine!”

You see, this pretty cat is a hunter it’s true. Cares none that we see, cares none what we’d do.

A bag of catnip and 4 stockings in all,

To the floor one would soon fall.

Finally that sweet nip has fallen to the floor, proudly she thinks,

“It’s about time! Now I will make my descent and claim what is mine.”

So yet again, the stockings were hung and bedtime has come.

Under the covers all huddled together we doze. Hours later, a sound arose.


That bitch went back up there. Took down what was hers, got all jacked up on nip and was bouncing those balls with bells in them like she was in the World Cup!


The Neurosis of a Dog, and Some Flooring. 

4 Jun

It’s been a few months since my latest update on the rehab and I apologize for depriving you of my juicy reads. You’ll probably need a refresher of where I left off so go ahead and reread this last post pertaining to our house progress.

 During our wall tear down/closet project, opening up the kitchen to living room, we had a bit of a floor situation. We were left with exposed subfloor from the 10 tiles we had to tear up in order to form a clean line for the new laminate to be laid throughout the rest of the house. As it turned out, whatever scent or discovery of life Lily caught through the cracks became her new obsession, (she has a history of such a thing). Our temporary solution was to just throw a rug over the void to prevent any life threatening toe stubbing, but nothing gets in the way of a Lily obsession.And it continued throughout the project. We finished building out my new pantry, (shelving and all!) and it’s finally come time to complete this flooring project that we’d started the end of January!! (This completion actually took place around March 27, again, late posting.)Why does it take 2 hours to tear up a floor, and load up the truck for a trip to the dump, but 3 days to lay it? Oh yeah, bc tearing up shit is more fun! 
Something we didn’t even think of when we picked out the flooring we wanted was the fact that they weren’t locking panels and here’s a tip my friends, always go for the locking ones!! If you’d like a first hand experience, laying it was kind of a bitch, as in, fuck you floor! So James spent all day laying laminate, wearing a path through the house to the garage to cut pieces, tapping them in, then one end would pop out so he’d go down and tap it back in, back.and.forth, back.and.forth, tapping.I’m going to take a quick time out to remind you all this is a different kind of “tapping”. You and your dirty minds 😉

Anyway, for me, there wasn’t much I could do to help. The kitchen and back bedroom were full of our living room so I chilled with the dogs and binge watched Netflix, until beckoned upon from time to time. Plus Lily was basically grounded to the room with me for being in the way with her obsession, so that’s what we did. As luck has it, James is almost to the end and you’ll never guess, had to go buy more. The amount of waste there is to match the pattern and fit around hallways and closets is ridiculous!! Finally, its finished!! ✔️ Our next project is the trim, and until we get that done, the living room stays in the kitchen and we chill in our bedroom with Netflix, and furry animals.

You will see the finished beautiful floors when the trim is in, next post.