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..To the Other Side

10 Mar

Phase 2
So we accomplished the physically hardest part of this project, and don’t get me wrong, there’s more of that physical shit coming but it will be in smaller bits and pieces. Well, except moving the lumber and debris from the house and backyard into the truck, to the dump, and there will for sure be more than one of those trips. Ok, focus Desiree! Here’s where it starts to get tricky. The section of the wall we tore down housed one wall switch, two outlets and a cable jack. Well, those need to go somewhere and they need to go there through a new wall. Technicalities and a bit of brain scratching insert here. Thankfully the couple that we met when we moved here are warm, welcoming, and knowledgeable in the trades.  Those are the people you want to have around, and now is one of those times so I called in backup! Thank you Edward ❤

If you’re new to this blog or missed this past one, here’s a post that highlights said amazing new friends.

The first (of oh so many) overnight.

Electrical is lost on me so when James was trying to figure out how to move
these ⬇️ outlets here ➡️ to come out to ⬇️…The Translation; (1) the wall we knocked down, (2) inside what will be the new pantry and (3) have their new home be on the new wall we’re replacing this door for. Got it? Yeah, me too. 🤔I’m thinking out loud, “Can’t you just run it along the floor inside the pantry, and use those insulated staple things?” That’s me trying to find the easy route and, as Dad is reading this he’s cringing, I just know it. After sleeping on it James says no, “If you’re going to do it, do it right now or you’ll have to fix it later”. And now I just know Dad read that with a smile on his face. This was Edwards idea/handywork for rerouting the electrical inside the wall with minimal damage for repair. 👍🏻The boys have their hands full dismantling the frame and there’s no room for me there. The only other piece of this project I can do right now is the kitchen tile. Little fun-not so fun- fact, whoever built this house laid the tile around the structures in the kitchen so anything we pull up will be a void of said tile. Yay for us 👍🏻, we don’t know where it came from, meaning matching it will prove to be a quite difficult task so it’s imperative that while pulling it up, I try not to break any. The most I’ve ever dealt with tile in my life is cursing at it b/c the fucking grout never seems to get clean, or when I took a sledgehammer to the kitchen and bathroom in our last house. The latter is my preferred method. Now I have to coddle these tiles and slowly tap them out. Just give them a little tap, tap-a-roo ! Well, those tiles were my bitches! I mean half broke, half survived, but it’s enough for us to replace the 3 that were cut into from the old frame and complete the line, as you can see maybe, and then run the new laminate flooring in the living room, (to match with the 2 rooms we’ve already completed) up to it and add the threshold.  Wow! The space really opened up! Now, time to finish that damn electrical! Because if I have to say electrical one more time 💪🏻!

James spent all day today working on that closet. A few, ok many, hours and 2 trips to the Depot later he got it done ✔️ Fork!

Tomorrow, which doesn’t always mean tomorrow, we pull up the cement board that was under the tiles and drywall my new pantry. Then there’s that stupid Knockdown texture, more paint, 😫 shelves, Hardie Board, tile, laminate flooring, a door… Do I really need to list it all off?! How long do you have?

One day at a time.